Monday, April 29, 2013

The Light

  Take  a stand  for Christ not for whoever is in the limelight for they are just  human mankind taking away from what is right in the living for a purpose that Christ is the Truth and the Light
 If I am lying than  I must be flying
 that is why I stay eating my daily breading ,praying and stead-fasting in His word  
Its the Truth of the mirror  that reveals the sinner ,
It explains  that God loved me first  
His commandments aren't easy  because one  He wants us to love our enemies  
what does it profit  us to only love our friends  
The one's that can care  less of any type of christian testimony or God's Glory  
 people to busy  talking about celebrities  of today's life  as if they gonna be the ones that will be next to God's  Son  holding the gates up for them 
Now are you with me ? 
 to lift your eyes  up to the Holy Son  for He is the only  one that woke you up , so even if you lost today because you failed to display  Christ's Love  
if you are  on the side of Christ , that means you in His army ,the army that is known as the church 
regardless if you see a lot of phonies  , there are a lot of real ones out there and I guess its  fair ,safe to say   the phonies just have a lot of hurt and haven't noticed that they can be healed from it 
They know the  religious cliches and all of the  pharisees  ways like condemning folks as if they are God but that is not what it is about  
and  the main assignment is w hat He wants from us as a church is to Love 
 The Greatest command , His will ,and the top of the Plan , the law of kindness and not to be a fool and be used to live our lives with truth ,pushing a booklet tract or passing a long a gospel/christian soundtrack ain't always where  it is  at  in showing that the  King saved you and me but  witnessing  is more about your  day to day  living .

   - Cristella 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


<a href=""><img src="" border=0 alt="EMEALS EASY AND DELICIOUS DINNER RECIPES" width=486 height=60></a>

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Safe Friend , what does it look like ?

A Safe Friend do not hurt people, 
if something has been  confided , like a secret of the heart , even if you hear some secret about someone else that  come from another mouth , 
the game of gossip is being played 
but you know you saved fired baptized and
 you doing the opposite thing of what Christ wants for us 
in helping others see that He reigns .
instead they turn away from God saying people who go to church are the same as those out of the church 
..two faced- double mindedness- lukewarm ,not hot or cold, or on the fence
 afraid to claim being Unashamed 
living like  the Love Christ rise and shines through darkness daily and fighting with the best weapons ever 
fasting and 
God word

Why God ? can be changed to another Question - Read my blog

I am so in agreement with those who have lost people when they ask God "why did you take them ? My lesson learned it is this , it is not " Why God ? It is God "What is it that you want me to learn from this journey of this life ?" - 
I am a firm believer that EARTH Is not my home and we make choices daily to live free in him or bonded with chains of debts, un- forgiveness , hatred ,greed, self gratification and etc. 
I just know I miss those that I lose from earth but for some reason I am actually Jealous of them because they are in the hands of King Jesus ...I am not giving up on this faith because one day I too will pass away from earth and I want to be in the arms of Jesus

Coming out of hiding


                                                  Coming out of hiding 

     He made the entire human race and made the earth hospitable we 

could seek after God and not just grope around in dark but actually find him.He doesn't play hide and seek with us Acts 17: 26-29

           I want my character to be real and generous 
       Not a gossiping church person she just a religious person .
       I want to display truth from inside out just as I am (ripped stylish jeans and a t- shirt with a snap-back -my church clothes ;-) once and for real