Friday, April 27, 2012

My heart hurts

   I was  going through some files in my  computer and  just ran up  on this - its my poetry

My heart hearts
I can’t explain the feeling
But it just blow me
If you only hold me
My heart hurts
You say things
That does not make since to me
I mean I understand
I was no boastfully Christ server
Cause I had my own   blunder
Which mean I need to chill and not take a sunder?
You and I are a wonder when we decide to make love to one another
We always forgive another
Let’s not make each other suffer
You and I are apart physically 
You can’t always be with me
Cause they got me working evening
Did I know this how life would treat me?
Sometimes you have to laugh it say
Its funny
Cause even though we are away
We have nothing but trust
We are not going to rust
We are building precious jewels for the kingdom of Glory
Begin patience
Smile, laugh and let God heal the heart that hurts
Which we both know
That if its mine than its your because what is your is what is mine cause we are one according God’s son 

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